What is El Nino Southern Oscillation? (ENSO)

El Nino and La Nina are both part of the El Nino Southern Oscilliation (ENSO) pattern in the eastern tropical Pacific ocean. This oscillation, or switching, refers to the temperature of the water in that region. In a La Nina phase, the water temperatures are cooler than normal, and in an El Nino phase, the […]

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お! そうですね! (O! Soodesune!)

Friday, March 5, 2010 11:16 P.M. The expression above is one in Japanese that expresses surprisement or amazement. It’s basically the translation of “wow!” Why do I say “wow?” Well, take a look at one of the forecasted storms for later next week, shown at the top. That frame shows the estimated three hour precipitation […]

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(no title) Wednesday March 3

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 9:50 P.M. Hey everybody! So I have some absolutely fantastic news for skiers and snowboarders! For the first time in a really, REALLY long time, it looks as though we could get into a snowier pattern for the Cascades. Why are we going to see snow later on there as opposed […]

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More on the Misconceptions of Global Warming

More on the Misconceptions of Global Warming Friday, February 5, 2010 10:53 P.M. There’s really not much to talk about as far as weather goes. More of the same boring stuff. There is only ONE reason I like El Nino. That reason is that it often results in good tuna fishing off of our coast […]

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Why are we drier and warmer than normal during El Nino years?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 5:50 P.M. I said in yesterday’s post that El Nino brings warmer and drier than normal weather to the Pacific Northwest. But I realized that I did not explain why. You see, what El Nino does is amplify the jet stream. You would think that this would give us more rain, […]

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Refreshing Rain to Start 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010 5:28 P.M. There was quite a bit of rain this morning, as I’m sure many of you noticed as you headed off to school or work. The radar certainly lit up, and I was impressed when I looked at it right before I darted out of the house this morning. It […]

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Don’t get too excited

Monday December 14, 2009 7:11 P.M. I’ve had a lot of people come up to me today and desperately ask me if we are going to get snow tonight and possibly have a two hour late start tonight. Here is the answer. Absolutely not. The Seattle area will see no snow at all. The only […]

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