October 24, 2010
10:21 P.M.
I hope you guys like the new blogger template by the way. I don’t care for it too much but it is a newer update so I can do more stuff, like put bigger pictures on it and stuff. I’m a fan of bigger pictures. ‘merica, right? Bigger is better.
However, if you happened to be kayaking off the Washington Coast this weekend, you would probably disagree with me. The huge waves that we’ve been advertising for a while are hitting the beaches. These waves are not just large, they are gigantic. The average significant wave height is expected to be 33.5 feet off the coast tonight and tomorrow. As far as I can remember, there has only been one event with bigger waves, and that was when 44-foot average waves were recorded with individual heights as high as 70 feet during the December 2007 Great Coastal Gale (crazy windy on coast, not windy here, flooding everywhere). There’s still a 10 foot difference in the wave heights though, which just serves to show how intense the 2007 storm was.
Snoqualmie Pass is getting a rain-snow mix, and Stevens Pass is all snow. I gotta go to bed (school tomorrow!) but we may have some more interesting weather at the end of the week. I’ll keep you posted.