Wednesday, July 4, 2012
12:06 A.M.
Us meteorologists like to joke that summer starts on July 5th. Well this year, that actually looks like it will be the case. Independence Day won’t be bad at all. We’ll start off with some clouds in the morning but quickly warm up to around 70 or so. The normal high for this time of year is 74.
And then, right on cue, July 5th rolls around, and we are forecast to hit 74. I think we might squeak out an extra degree, which would put us above average. And we don’t just get above average and then fall below it again. We stay above average for as far as the model can forecast.

Right now, we have a very weak jet stream over us, and this will further weaken throughout tomorrow and eventually cease to exist by Thursday night. After that, the jet stream will shift northward. The model above shows the 1000-500mb thickness. Where the thickness is higher, the temperatures are generally warmer. The temperatures get hot when you go inland!
But as the week progresses, we will warm up even further!

Look at that! Warm temperatures up and down the Best Coast. Next week will be a great time to go swimming in Lake Washington.