Quick Update – Winds not looking as strong

November 16, 2009
8:41 P.M.

I didn’t blurt it out yesterday (maybe I should have), but I was a little skeptical about the forecast when they called for a major windstorm in the Puget Sound region. First of all, the models were not locking on any one situation. Second, there looked to be another low center partially developing. When more than one low pressure center forms, it is not good for storm development.

Now, the low looks weaker and further north. While we will still get windy, we will NOT see winds as bad as originally feared; I’d expect something on par with last night.

In the meanwhile, look at the water vapor imagery of the storm off of our coast. It is very impressive.

I have a lot of homework to do so I can’t really talk much now, but high winds are still expected on the coast, with some headlands in Oregon perhaps receiving gusts as high as 100 miles per hour tonight. While I’m sure many of my fellow weather enthusiasts are dismayed that the models aren’t showing the storm to be major, the weather pattern throughout this week looks to be active. After all, it is November. Enjoy the wind and rain tonight and stay safe!


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