The Demise of The West Antarctic Ice Sheet

On Wednesday, the New York times came out with an alarming article. It said that a new, high-resolution model was showing that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), a massive ice sheet west of the “Transantarctic Mountains” that divides the continent into eastern and western sections, could melt far faster than previously thought, with sea […]

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A Record Low for Arctic Sea Ice

Monday, September 24, 2012 10:43 A.M. On September 16, 2012, the arctic reached a record low for sea ice cover. Now, it is finally expanding as autumn arrives, but it is still well below average. The sea ice cover this year fell to 3.41 million kilometers, which is 18% less than the previous record for […]

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The Vostok, Antarctica Ice Cores

Sunday, October 16, 2011 1:21 P.M. At first glance, Vostok, Antarctica, seems like one of the worst places on the planet to set up a permanent settlement. In many aspects, it is. It is the coldest place on Earth. It is the most isolated research station in Antarctica. It experiences a polar night of 130 […]

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